Privacy policy.

Information collected by Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC.

Thank you for choosing Wealth Legacy Leads. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use information from potential clients, licensed life insurance agents, law firms, and sound money advocates for multi level market business. .

Information Collected: We collect basic contact information from potential clients, including names, phone numbers, ages, emails, and possibly addresses and genders. This information is necessary for licensed life insurance agents, law firms, and sound money advocates to contact potential leads. Wealth Legacy Leads does not collect sensitive information such as social security numbers or bank accounts from life insurance leads. All banking information is collected by Stripe payment processing company.

Submission of Information: Potential lead clients agree to submit their basic contact information through various means, including online on social media, in person, or by mail, to be contacted by a licensed life insurance agent, estate planning law firm, or a sound money advocate working with Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC.

Websites and Advertisements: Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC operates various websites that advertise life insurance, estate planning, and precious metals such as gold & silver and licensed agents. Leads can submit their basic contact information on these platforms to be contacted by a company, or individuals associated with Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC.

Liability: Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC will not be held liable for customers being contacted by licensed agents, law firms, or a sound money advocates; as potential leads have willingly submitted their contact information for this purpose. Also have agreed to waive their rights.

Payment: Licensed agents, law firms, & sound money advocates agree to submit their contact information, including names, phone numbers, emails, address, and secured payment methods, to pay for their lead ad campaigns. The secured payment method used by Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC. is Stripe, Inc a financial payment processor company. All payments are made online on a secured website.

Business with Licensed Agents & Sound Money Advocates: Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC does business with licensed life insurance agents, estate planning law firm, and sound money advocates to provide leads to them in exchange for profit. A lead is defined as a potential client looking to purchase life insurance, estate planning, or interest in precious metals. Wealth Legacy Leads, LLC does not guarantee any financial success or form of payment to any individual. It is the sole individual’s responsibility to get paid and has the right to do what they want with their leads. All business is done in good faith.

Verification of Identity: Wealth Legacy Leads will not be held liable if they engage in business with an individual, company, or entity impersonating a licensed life insurance agent. The company conducts verification by checking the agent's National Producer License.

Thank you for choosing Wealth Legacy Leads. Your privacy and security are important to us.